Kristi Taylor
业务 Coordinator I, Adjunct Instructor

  • Faculty
  • 工作人员
Residential Living and Learning
Contact Kristi
Halladay Student 服务 201C
Related Department
Residential Living and Learning
商务, TX
College Major
Piano Pedagogy & Performance
Year 研究生d

Kristi is from 商务, Texas and has seen 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 evolve from its time as East Texas State University. She began her undergraduate studies at 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务, but completed her Bachelor's degree in Music at Texas State University, graduating with cum laude status. Having spent the majority of her life as a classically trained pianist, Kristi continued her education with a Master’s in Music from Texas Tech University. Upon graduating, Kristi’s career path became built upon retail management roles in department stores such as Belk's, JC Penney and Walmart. During the course of 20 years, she received multiple customer service and top sales producer awards. Kristi has served as the administrative assistant to the Associate Vice 总统 and Chief Budget 办公室r and as the business coordinator for the Rayburn Student Center since coming to A&M-商务. She currently serves as Residential Living and Learning's business coordinator.

How I Can Help You?

A Conversation with Kristi

What do you like most about your career?

I've enjoyed a career that's evolved from the 音乐 industry to retail management, and into higher education. In each field I've acquired transferring skillsets that have made me into the empathetic professional I am today. I never dreamed that as a concert pianist I'd help manage multimillion dollar department stores and eventually advance into advanced administrative assistant and budget coordinator roles in higher education.

How do you help students at A&M-商务?

I'm currently the 业务 Coordinator for Residential Living & Learning and have had the unique opportunity to serve students, 家庭, Faculty, and staff while employed at TAMUC since 2017 in positions from Financial 服务, the Rayburn Student Center, and 住房. While a full-time staff member, I'm also teaching Music Theory as an Adjunct in the Music Department. Whether engaged in customer service, 会计, 音乐, or a departmental/campus project, I strive to be approachable, 种类, 鼓舞人心的, and a contributor to our students' overall university experience.

教育al Background

Professional Organizations

  • 工作人员 Council, 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务, FY20 and FY21
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